Chapter 8 First Impression Post

Throughout the change from high school to college, college is definitely more demanding in assignments, exams and the amount of studying needed to succeed in course. In high school, I didn’t really have to study too much. My classes were not too challenging for meHabits differ person by person. In my case, procrastination is what hurts me the most. What some do to study may not work for another person. My study habits could definitely use an improvement. In becoming efficient while studying for exams or quizzes, I use writing. Writing things like terms or notes over and over help me memorize the most. I also like to make quizlets and reread what I am typing. This helps me remember where I am typing it and what it says. I also try the flashcard method in some of my classes that carry a lot of terms needed to remember for exams as well through the entire course. I actually studied a considerably long time for this past exam yet seemed to study the most material that didn’t make its way onto the exam. In trying to improve my grade for my next exam, I am going to try more group study. Having someone quiz me as well as studying the same material might help me obtain the information needed for this upcoming test. Another struggle I face in studying is strictly time. Finding time and a lot of it to put aside is hard, especially when you have several core classes as well as a sport to worry about. Having school come first is different for me because throughout my high school career, our school mainly focused on athletics. Athletes would get tutoring and help with studying. I think the only way to thrive in this class is to find methods that best work not just for me but in how the information is given to us as well as how its processed. I will definitely start studying earlier for this exam, as well as try to get a long night of sleep before hand. Staying up and cramming didn’t pan out too well for me. Hopefully all of these changes will help me through my memorization as well as thriving through this next exam.

One thought on “Chapter 8 First Impression Post”

  1. I found the same problems you did while studying, I also rewrite and make flashcards. I also did not study much in high school, so this is a big change. Having someone quiz you is a great idea, I suggest maybe teach the chapters to a friend as well. Teaching someone else can help you put it into your own words and understand it more deeply, if you can teach someone else it, you know it well. I would also say if you do not have a lot of time during the week, just see if you can find 15 minutes here and there to study throughout the days. This will help to not leave you cramming before the exam. You have the right idea that getting a good night’s sleep before the exam is very important. Most of the things you cram the night before will be hard to remember the next day, you brain needs sleep. Good luck on the next exam!


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